A bold new strategy to grow Minnesota’s global leadership in medical technology

Minnesota MedTech 3.0 is a shared strategy of 30+ organizations led by the GREATER MSP Partnership

Our strategy connects the region’s medical device manufacturers with partners across the healthcare system to innovate through cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science. 

A nationally recognized leader

In 2023, Minnesota MedTech 3.0 (MMT3.0) was designated one of the America’s leading technology hubs in a national competition held by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. While we missed out on federal funding for now, MMT3.0 leaders are moving ahead. Read our application here.

Committed partners from across Minnesota

MMT3.0 is a strategy for collective action among corporations, organizations, and networks, including those who have been historically excluded from the MedTech industry.

Affiliated partners: Basil Systems, City of Edina, City of Saint Paul, Domelabs AI, Engage Venture Partners, Founders Club, Groove Capital, Hennepin County Housing and Economic Development, Lemhi Ventures, Neighborhood Development Center, Optum, Proto Labs, Ramsey County, Scott County Community Development Agency.

Why is this strategy so important?

Hear from MedTech entrepreneurs on why Minnesota MedTech 3.0 matters and why it will work.

If any place should be at the epicenter of Smart MedTech, it’s Minnesota—where we invented Medical Alley, the world’s Silicon Valley of healthcare. That’s why it makes perfect sense for us to build America’s global hub for Smart MedTech.
— Hubert Lim, CSO, SecondWave Systems and Neuromod Devices; Director, Earl E. Bakken Medical Devices Center, University of Minnesota
As technologies like AI converge with MedTech, there are real challenges, like moving quickly without compromising safety. Places that discover how to safely and effectively scale the most promising new technologies are going to win.
— Morgan Evans, CEO, Agitated Solutions; founder & owner, Avio MedTech Consulting; co-founder, Engage Venture Partners
This is all about us working as America’s front door for Smart MedTech innovators from everywhere. They’ll get to tap into America’s med-tech leaders. It’s a big deal for everyone involved.
— Ping Yeh, CEO, Vocxi Health; board member, Medical Alley

Our common goal

Minnesota MedTech 3.0 will create thousands of good paying jobs, spur a new generation of start-ups and deliver equitable outcomes through an intentional focus on underrepresented groups in the region and across rural areas of the state.

Join us! 

Keep up on Minnesota MedTech 3.0 announcements.